Innovatív környezettudatos megoldások


A zöld- illetve barnamezős fejlesztések valamint komplex regionális fejlesztési projektek hatékonyságának optimalizálása multidiszciplináris együttműködést kíván.

Szoros együttműködésben neves építészirodai partnerünkkel

  • helyzetfelmérésre,
  • modellalkotásra és ezek alapján
  • teljes körű építészeti-,
  • gazdasági- és folyamattervezésre,
  • kivitelezésre és akár
  • a megvalósult folyamatok működtetésére vállalkozunk.

Tevékenységünk során olyan projektek megvalósításában vagyunk érdekeltek, amelyek az építészeti, tájrendezési és környezetrehabilitációs szempontok mellett a térségi és kisközösségi együttműködést, a -megváltozott funkciókkal ugyan, de- az ismételt használatba vételt, a beintegrálódást segítik a mikro- és a makrogazdasági környezetben is.


Optimising the Effectiveness of Green/Brown Field Developments and Regional Development Projects

Innovative Approach:
Benefits of Macro-Synthetic Modelling and Project Management

Development and Investment Projects in the Built and Natural Environment represent a complex logistics exercise independent of whether they are undertaken at the scale of a small commercial development or as broad scale Regional Development initiatives. Numerous factors affect any project not only during the implementation phase, but across its lifetime. Macro-synthetic Project Management identifies and analyses these factors and proposes viable and sustainable Solutions for Development Initiatives.

Macro-synthetic Modelling and Innovation as a Process requires:

  • Input/Research:
    Identification of the Processes and Systems affecting the Project. These can be latent/active; micro/macro; direct/indirect; long-term/short-term. It is important that any project be understood not only as a discrete element, but also through its location within a greater environment or network system. Through identification of the Macro context, systems and processes can be identified which would not normally be considered in non-synthetic Project Management.

  • Recognition / Analysis:
    Processes and systems identified in the Input/Research stage are analysed individually and comparatively. Relative analysis (Macro-synthetic Modelling) of the discrete systems isolates points of potential benefit from harnessing trans-systemal benefits. At the completion of the analysis stage a complex project assessment can be compiled. In Macro-analysis further beneficiaries (government/community/environment) may be identified, together with associated financial or legislative benefits for the project. 
  • Innovative Design Synthesis:
    On the basis of the Project Assessment Document the Client and the Design Management Team compile a final Project Brief. The Design Team employs Innovative Design Synthesis (IDS) to harness the latent potential identified through Recognition/Analysis and initiate value-adding to the Investment Project: 2 + 2 = 5!!!

  • Output / Implementation schedule:
    The completion of the IDS involves, in consultation with the Client and Authorities/Stakeholders, production of a comprehensive Implementation Documentation and Schedule for the project. The Implementation Documentation considers not only the initial investment task, but also outlines a sustainable and feasable Management and Operational Plan for the Project over its Lifetime.

Gall and Associates

Gall és Társai Építésziroda KFT  

Gall and Associates espouse Macro-synthetic thinking and have a track record in Innovative Design Solutions.

Recent projects include:

  • Realisation of a Wine Production and Retail Facility in the World Heritage Tokaj region for the Béres Pharmaceuticals Group
  • Proposal for a Community/Commercial Complex in Békásmegyer
  • Participation in the Modernisation of the HÉV suburban rail signals technology
  • Proposal for Expansion of Hospitality Operations utilising IDS/ City Park (current)
  • Relocation of National Centre and School/Internatus for the Movement Impaired (Budapest City Council) – current
  • Rejuvenation and Reconstruction of Budapest Zoological and Botanic Gardens (1996 – current)